The following is a list of Masters Theses that utilize A/R/Tography as a methodology. To access the abstract of the thesis (and in some cases, the full thesis) — please click on the link next to the title. Please Note That These Works Mention Or Use A/R/Tography And Not All Of Them Focus On A/R/Tography Explicitly. LU:11/JUL/2022
Lápidus Radlow, L. (2022). MÅKEN vår – en teateroppsettning med videregående skoleelever [Master’s thesis, University of Agder]. LINK
Martin, K. R. (2022). Rainbow Beard and the Unicorn Knight: Queer and Trans Thrival and Queering Professionalism in Teacher Education [Master’s thesis, Queen’s University]. LINK
Moore, F. E. (2022). Becoming enìlikogical : The autoethnography of an early childhood educator during the COVID-19 pandemic [Master Thesis, The University of British Columbia]. LINK
Schmidt, A. (2022). Anti-oppression self-expression: An A/R/Tographic understanding of black and brown youth’s conceptualization(s) of “nature.” Western Carolina University. LINK
Bird, D. (2021). A living inquiry: Activating and integrating the multiple identities of dramatherapist, researcher, artist and teacher (Order No. 28460603) [Master’s thesis, University of Derby]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2507234776). Retrieved from LINK
McLean, N. G. (Chinook). (2021). Creating transformative space in our classroom : entwining circles, restorative practices in education, and student voice [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. LINK
Fast, A. (2020). Creative wandering : Writing, reading, painting as knowing through a/r/tography [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. LINK
Kostjuk, A. (2020). Tranquil[ized] bodies: The [post] post-mortem condition [Master’s (MFA) Thesis, OCAD].
Prasad, S. (2020). [Re]Archive: South Asian narratives in Canadian history [Master’s (MFA) Thesis, OCAD]. LINK
Clayton, M. L. (2019). Mother/Artist/Teacher: The labour of becoming [MA Thesis, VCU University]. LINK
Lepage, T. A. (2019). The cosmopolitan traveler: Rendering self and coming out through A/R/Tographic vlogging [Master’s Thesis, The University of Regina]. In ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. LINK
Goldsberry, C. (2018). Un/Doing spirituality: Contemporary art, cosmology, and the curriculum as theological text [Master’s Thesis, Brigham Young University]. LINK
Rydh, E. (2018). Who paints the middle of the map? : Using space with visual narrative through a mobile design activity (Swedish) [Master’s Thesis, KONSTFACK: University of Arts, Crafts, and Design]. LINK
Stewart, P. A. (2019). So…we’re going for a walk: A placed-based outdoor art experiential learning experience [Master’s Thesis, Brigham Young University]. In ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. LINK
Watson, K. J. B. (2018). You can’t teach what you don’t know and you can’t lead where you won’t go: Professional development as artists for Elementary educators [Master’s Thesis, Young University]. In ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. LINK
Bergdahl Gustafsson, A. (2017). Rhizome: To explore the already-known about learning to visualise the not yet known (Swedish) [Master’s Thesis, KONSTFACK: University of Arts, Crafts, and Design]. Retrieved from LINK
Berry, A. M. (2017). Becoming affected with artistic memoir: Entanglements with arts-based education in India [Master’s Thesis, University of Victoria]. LINK
Chinhanu, C. A. (2017). Prison a/r/tography: The aesthetic of ‘captive’ masculinities [Master’s Thesis, University of Cape Town]. Faculty of Humanities, Department of Drama. Retrieved from LINK
Lawrence, J. (2017). Secret identities in the classroom : Negotiating conceptions of identity with comics and bilingual grade four students [Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia]. Retrieved from LINK
Larock, C. (2017). On becoming a writer: Collected stories [Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa]. LINK
Sosnecki, M. (2017). The world in sight : Critical thinking and creating conversations about marginalized groups. (Swedish) [Master’s Thesis, KONSTFACK: University College of Arts, Crafts and Design]. LINK
Mendes Machado, R. (2016). Diários a/r/tográficos: narrativas imagéticas em movimento [Master’s Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pelotas]. LINK
Taverne, P. (2016). Kunstgeschiedenis & Kunst Maken, een onderzoek met a/r/tography [Master’s thesis, University of Groningen]. PDF
Wigmore, J. (2016). Training artistic reflexivity in visual artists [Master’s (MFA) Thesis, OCAD]. LINK
Archacka, N. (2015). Heartful inquiry : A parallactic approach to English language arts curriculum [Master’s thesis, University of British Columbia]. Retrieved from LINK
Batterman, D. (2015). Using the old to speak to the new: An appropriative studio approach [MAEd thesis, Georgia State University]. LINK
Cornwall, J. (2015). Tailoring Student Learning: Inquiry-Based Learning in the Elementary Art Classroom [Master’s Thesis, Brigham Young University – Provo]. LINK
Duerksen, J. A. (2015). “It’s festival time again”: Sounding tensions with/in an A/R/Tographical inquiry into participation in competition music festivals [Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa]. LINK
Fay, M. K. (2015). Curating the Abandoned School: Voices of Youth in an Alternative High School Art Class [Master’s Thesis, Brigham Young University – Provo].
Hamilton, L. J. (2015). Art in the face of death: Art therapy with a family. [Master’s thesis, Kutenai Art Therapy Institute]. PDF
Ursino, J. M. (2015). Piercing memory – marking history: The National Women’s March Against Poverty and the quilt Women United Against Poverty 1996 and 2015 [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Bankert-Countryman, J. E. (2014). Borderland Journeys: A Layered Autoethnography [MA Thesis, Indiana University]. LINK
Barredo de Valenzuela Gómez, M. (2014). Autorretrato y contexto desde una perspectiva A/r/tográphica [Selfportrait and context from an A/r/tographic view] [Master’s thesis, University of Granada]. LINK
Eskew, D. (2014). Exploring how narrative and symbolic art impacts artist, researcher, teacher and communicates meaning in art to students [MEd Thesis, Georgia State University]. In Art and Design Theses. LINK
Gillard, T. (2014). Trust through art and its practice: A/r/tography study [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Hurtado Giráldez, R. (2014). El cuaderno de Apuntes como Estrategia y Narrativa para los Procesos de Aprendizaje: Desde una perspectiva A/r/tográphica [Sketchbook as a strategy and narrative for the learning processes: A/r/tographic perspective] [Master’s thesis, University of Granada]. LINK
Borhani, M. T. E. (2013). Brocading the world: A poetic inquiry [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Marsh, R. (2013). Evolving Art in Junior High [MA Thesis, Brigham Young University – Provo]. LINK
Meli, S. (2013). Art from within: An encounter with holocaust art from the Terezin ghetto [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Neves, M. (2013). It Will Always Be My Tree: An A/r/tographic Study of Place and Identity in an Elementary School Classroom [MA Thesis, Brigham Young University – Provo]. LINK
Purton, F. L. (2013). Exploring students’ experiences of arts-based pedagogy: An a/r/tographical journey [Master’s thesis, University of Alberta]. PDF
Garcia Lazo, V. (2012). The visual as a thinking tool: Developing students’ critical thinking skills through images [Master’s thesis, The University of Auckland]. PDF
Kauffman, N. B. (2012). Cracks and openings, murkiness and unknowns: Dis/rupting knowledge through the atelier/atelierista model of timeless and embodied learning [Master’s thesis, University of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)]. PDF
Remington, M. S. (2013). Fragile mechanics: Connecting holocaust and art education through the creation of a graphic novel [Master’s Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin]. LINK
Rodriguez Naranjo, G. E. (2012). Personal a/r/tographic narratives of cultural displacement: In Latino American immigrants living in Canada [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Aguiar, A. B. (2011). Pesuisa Educacional Baseada nas Artes: Experincias A/r/togrificas. [Master’s thesis, Universidade de Brasília].
Barreto, C. (2011). Visualidades Queer de Matthew Barney: O Ciclo Cremaster [Master’s thesis, Universidade de Brasília].
Dayhoff, D. L. (2011). One art teacher’s journey into curriculum review and revision [Master’s thesis, Corcoran College of Art & Design].
Silvers, A. T. (2011). Learning by he/art [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Snedden, E. (2011). Leading ladies: Portraits of principals [Master’s thesis, Victoria University of Wellington]. PDF
Verwood, R. (2011). “Building Peace” through quiltmaking : The role of participatory artistic quiltmaking in supporting peacebuilding among grade 4-7 youth [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Yalte, Z. (2011). The song of the soul: Transforming disabling illness through art. [Master’s thesis, University of Victoria]. PDF
Codack, R. (2010.). Portrait of the artist/researcher/teacher: A reflection on the nature of learning [MEd thesis, Nippissing University].
Cuerden, B. (2010). Art, nature and the virtual environment: Three strands of a narrative inquiry written around a schoolyard garden as a collection of “events” [Master’s thesis, University of Ottawa].
Ghecevici, A. C. (2010). Learning from and about artists: Identity, place, practice [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Lea, G. W. (2010). Research in three acts: Approaches to developing research-based theatre [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
McDermid, H. J. (2010). Improvising spaces: Places, spaces, and do-it yourself performance in Vancouver, BC [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Moriarty, C. S. (2010). Music as a “language” of expression for understanding multiplication in grade three [Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia]. Retrieved from LINK
Burnett, M. C. (2009). Aesthetic/ activism : The liminal area between aesthetic formalism and socio-political activism in art education [Master’s Thesis, The University of British Columbia]. Retrieved from LINK
Inglis, B. (2009). Leading on the verge of peril: A creative journey of vice-principalship [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Uline-Olmstead, M-L. (2009). The knitted flower project: Arts-based research within knitting communities [Master’s thesis, Ohio State University]. PDF
Yeung, C. K. L. (2009). Multimodal close reading as currency: Transmediating poetic language through artistic design [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
LeBlanc, N. (2008). An investigation of the space between the painting and the photograph: Deconstructing the process and reflecting on the two media that constitute my art practice [Master’s thesis, Concordia University]. PDF
Ricketts, K. A. (2007). Listen carefully, the dance is whispering… : Articulating praxis identity and place through dance [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Toth, M. (2007). Explorations in intuition : breaking boundaries and reclaiming voice through A/r/tographic process [Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia]. Retrieved from LINK
Hudson, L. (2006). Memory and identity (de)construction: An a/r/tographic act of inquiry [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF
Bickel, B. (2004). From artist to a/r/tographer: An autoethnographic ritual inquiry into writing on the body [Master’s thesis, The University of British Columbia]. PDF