Springgay, Stephanie, Irwin, Rita L., Leggo, Carl, & Gouzouasis, Peter (Eds.). (2008). Being with A/r/tography. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Irwin, Rita L.& deCosson, Alex (Eds.). (2004). A/r/tography: Rendering self through arts based living inquiry. Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.
Belidson Dias & Rita L. Irwin (Eds.). (2013). Pesquisa Baseada em Artes: A/r/tografia. (translated into Portugeuse). Originally published in: Sinner, Anita, Leggo, Carl, Irwin, Rita L., Gouzouasis, Peter, & Grauer, Kit. (2006). Arts-based Educational Research Dissertations: Reviewing the practices of new scholars. Canadian Journal of Education, 29(4), 1223-1270.
A/r/tografia: Uma mestiçagem Metonímica, by Rita L. Irwin (2009). In Ana Mae Barbosa & Lilian Amaral (Eds). Interterritorialidade: midias, contextos e educação. (pp. 87-104).São Paulo, Brazil: Editora Senac. Reprinted and translated into Portugeuse with permission from: Irwin, Rita L. (2004). A/r/tography: A metonymic métissage. In Rita L. Irwin & Alex de Cosson (Eds). A/r/tography: Rendering self through arts-based living inquiry (pp. 27-40). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press
Chapters in Books
A/r/tography: Always in process, by Carl Leggo & Rita L. Irwin (2013). In Peggy Albers, Teri Holbrook & Amy Seely Flint (Eds.). New Methods of Literacy Research. New York: Routledge.
The City of Richgate: Multiplicity of Movement in Nature, Culture and Public Pedagogy, by V. Triggs, R. L. Irwin, R. Beer, S. Springgay, K. Grauer, & G. Xiong (2011). In Cheryl McLean & Robert Kelly (Eds.). Creative Acts in Interdisciplinary Practice: Research for Community Change Across Cultures. Calgary, Alberta: Detselig/Temeron Press.
The City of Richgate: Decentred Public Pedagogy, by Valerie Triggs, Rita L. Irwin, Ruth Beer, Kit Grauer, Stephanie Springgay, & Gu Xiong (2010). In Jennifer A Sandlin, Brian D. Schultz & Jake Burdick (Eds.). Handbook of Public Pedagogy (pp. 299-312). London, UK: Routledge.
A/r/tography, by Rita L. Irwin (2010). In Craig Kridel (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies (pp. 42-43). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Artist-Researcher-Teachers Collaborating in theLiminal (S)p(l)aces of Writing and Creating Artful Dissertations, by Stephanie Springgay, Alex de Cosson, & Rita L. Irwin (2008). In Gary Knowles, Sara Promislow & Ardra Cole (Eds.). Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the Arts-Informed Thesis or Dissertation (pp. 335-348). Halifax, NS: Backalong Books.
The Liminal (S)p(l)aces of A/r/tographical Research, by Rita L. Irwin, Stephanie Springgay, & Alex de Cosson (2008). In Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs. (Ed). (2008). The Authentic Dissertation: Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation. (pp. 241-248). London: Routledge of Taylor and Francis Books.
A/r/tography, by Rita L. Irwin (2008). In Lisa Given (Ed). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods (pp. 26-29). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
A/r/tographers and Living Inquiry, by Stephanie Springgay, Rita L. Irwin, & Sylvia Kind (2008). In Gary Knowles & Ardra Cole (Eds.). International Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research (pp. 83-92). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
A/r/tography as Practice Based Research, by Rita L. Irwin & Stephanie Springgay (2008). In M. Cahnmann & R. Siegesmund (Eds.). Arts-based research in education: Foundations for practice (pp. 103-124).New York: Routledge.
Studio Practice as a State of Mind – A/r/tographic Commitments as a Way of Being, by Rita L. Irwin (2007). In Maureen K. Michael (Ed.). About KNOWHOW Studio Approaches to Teaching and Learning: Volume 4 Minds Making (pp. 28-30). Cumbria, United Kingdom:; Unipress Cumbria.
Walking in Wonder, by Alex de Cosson, Rita L. Irwin, Sylvia Kind, & Stephanie Springgay (2007). In Gary Knowles, Ardra Cole, & Teresa Luciani (Eds.). The art of visual inquiry (pp. 135-152). Halifax, NS: Backalong Books.

Communities of A/r/tographic Practice Engaged in Cultural Inquiry, by Rita L. Irwin (2007). In Jeong Ae Park (Ed.), Art education as critical cultural inquiry (pp.90-103). Seoul, Korea: MIJINSA.